Digital Paper - Printables

A collection of digital art and printables for home decor, journals, and sign making.

Colorful art to be printed and framed, used for scrapbooking or junk journals or even printed for decoupaging onto home decor items for personal use.

There are no refunds on digital downloads as there is no physical product.

You MAY NOT reproduce or redistribute it as a digital item or share these items with anyone.
You may NOT sell it as a digital item (a file or in a digital collage, etc.)
You MAY NOT re-sell these images as-is or as your own work either in print, as a part of a kit, free gift with or without purchase, or in digital form.

These digital papers/designs are property of Leesa Boone Designs. After completion of the purchase, you will receive an email with a link to download the file(s).

You MAY print and use these as part of a printed journal/art project to sell. These pages must be made unique by you...They can be assembled or significantly altered (min 40%) by adding other printed items, decorating with materials, etc... Do not just print them, assemble and sell or slightly alter to sell.

Need something specific, contact me at

Regular price $4.00
Regular price $4.00
Regular price $1.99
Regular price $1.99
Regular price $1.99